Saturday, November 6, 2010

How could there not be God?! Allahu Akhbar!!!!

How could there be no God and you have the ability to move your fingers?! How could there be no God and your hearts pumps blood 24 hours a day?! How could there not be God?!

Have you seen a building without a builder? Have you seen a book without a writer?! This world is a big proof for the existence of God, and that God must be in extreme power and will. There must be one who created everything from the state of non-existance to the state of existance and it is God, Allah.

And this God must be in supreme power, for, he must be worshiped to be granted his promise which is Paradise otherwise hell is the place of the disbelievers.

Allah does not need any of his creations, he is attributed with full perfection and is clear of imperfection, so Allah does not resemble any of his creations.

The right faith is Islam. It's simple to become a believer, you Just have to believe that: There's no God exept God [Allah] and Muhammad Is the Messenger of Allah.

If one wants to be saved on the day of judgment, I urge all Non-Muslims to embrace this gracious religion by just saying the statment above with the intention of embracing Islam. It's up to you, you can decide what you want.

Islam is the way.

Look at the order around you, how the night turns into day. Look at the order around you, what do you have to say? ( I say ) I know I have a Creator. He created you and me. Yes I know I have a Creator and He created you and He created me And all the wonders we see.

When we see a seed and how tiny it is we don't know what it will be. We may not guess it would grow and grow and turn into a mighty tree. Look at your self with blood that flows and how the infant grows.

Does anyone make his own heart beat? Think of what this shows. Think of the beautiful things you see. Think of the stars so high. They can guide a traveler as he looks up to the sky. (From this) I know I have a Creator.

I'm sure because of wonders I see. Yes, I know I have a Creator. And He is not like you and He is not like me. And He is not like the wonders we see.


**diri ini pernah mendengar atau membaca perumpamaan ini (tak pasti) "sebuah kereta yg begitu hebat dan canggih sekalipun, tidak boleh bergerak selagi tidak digerakkan oleh pemandunya"..maka siapakah yg menggerakkan burung2 (yg bebas terbang)??..siapa pulak yang menggerakkan kita sendiri???... tiada daya dan upaya melainkan dengan izin Allah...wallahu'alam

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